In ALCAÍNO | ABOGADOS we search for the best legal talent from Chile´s most prestigious law schools, distinguished by their academic record and/or professional achievements, and according to our needs. Occasionally, in order to satisfy the global necessities of our clients, we may, permanently or temporarily, hire foreign attorneys.

ALCAÍNO | ABOGADOS seeks to attract people that demonstrate excellent professional skills, analytic rigor, commitment, initiative, creativity, teamwork spirit and capacity and the highest ethical standard. In addition, fluency in foreign languages (especially English) is highly regarded.

In their formation, our lawyers count with the direct support and guidance of our partners and associates, with the opportunity to work in diverse practice areas in order to develop a comprehensive formation with experience and exposure to different law matters and markets. Furthermore, we value and encourage their professional and academic development through post graduate studies, academic activities, training opportunities, and internships in foreign law firms, among others.